IWCA will have snow plowing for the winter 2023/2024.


IWCA Snow Plowing Policy

The IWCA has provided private snow plowing for our community streets for years.  The Board of Directors has set a 70% budget cap of annual dues received for annual snow plowing services.  Services extending over the cap cost will result in a special snow plowing emergency assessment dues collection.


IWCA street snow plowing services will be activated when there is a snowfall, where a minimum of 3 inches has accumulated on the streets.  Additional plowing may commence if required and as determined by the IWCA Board of Directors.


Activation of snow plowing services by the approved contractor shall be made by the IWCA President or his designees (IWCA Elected Board Members) only.   Any private snow plowing service activated by any other individuals or companies, or any individuals within the community will not be paid for by the IWCA.


Only the authorized approved contractor selected by IWCA is authorized by the IWCA to plow snow for the IWCA.


IWCA Members are asked to not contact the IWCA approved contractor for activation of services or any problems or issues with snow plowing services.  Concerns, complaints, and request regarding snow removal services are to be put in writing to the attention of the IWCA President.  Non-written concerns, complaints, or request related to snow plowing services will not be addressed and disregarded.